Anyone out there? Hello? Anyone? I'm sure most of you (the whopping 5-6 of you who check my blog) have probably given up on me all together but I'm going to try REAL hard to get back in the swing of blogging again. Of course, most of you also know how crazy my life has been these past 6 months as well. But I'll re-cap anyway.
We sold, trashed and gave away as much of our stuff that we could, packed up the rest and moved across country to Missouri on May 12. We came here to be able to help my Mom care for my Dad. (Her health needed a little attention as well). Doug's Dad went to California to stay with his daughter Jane for a few weeks while we got moved & settled in. We moved to the same little town as our son and his family. It was so wonderful to have them here happy to greet us as we were having a little trouble leaving the familiar & venturing into a new life. We got here on Saturday morning and Doug had to fly out for work the following Monday. I bustled like crazy to get the house cleaned, painted and a two-car garage full of boxes unpacked and the house set up the best I could before my Mom & Dad got here about 10 days after we did.
Then I had another garage full of stuff to un-pack! :) Jake and Maria were so much help, I was glad not to be completely alone!
About five days after Mom & Dad got here, Dad got sick with a UTI and ended up in the hospital for a week.
Don got here in June. Doug was kept pretty busy through the summer and most of Fall. Shortly after we got here the company he works for bought another company out and doubled the amount of employees. He and the other CCE were kept pretty busy getting everyone up to speed.
We had a wonderful summer but it was a busy time getting everyone lined up with Dr's and getting all needs met to settle everyone in comfortably.
I sewed like crazy July through the first week in October to participate in a craft fair. It was great fun and my bags were well accepted. It was probably the most successful sale for me since I left Alaska.
My Aunt Brenda & Uncle Ronald from Northern Idaho came to visit the same week-end as the fair bringing with them Ron's sister Beverly from Arizona. It was so nice to visit with them and get to know Beverly.
Two days before Halloween, my Dad got sick again. He had another UTI. People with parkensons get very sick very fast when they get an infection. And since my Dad really couldn't communicate any more it was hard to ever know what he was feeling. He was in the hospital for 9 days. In that time he never really regained his strength, wouldn't wake up to eat and pulled out his feeding tube. It was evident that he was done fighting it all, bless his heart. He sure dealt with a lot these past 10-15 years. He came home with hospice care and stayed with us for about 2 weeks before quietly passing away on November 17th.
Jessica and her family came from Colorado for the funeral and Thanksgiving. The day after my Dad's funeral, Doug's Dad got sick and ended up in the hospital with penumonia. He walked in from the hospital right to the Thanksgiving table just in time!
Things are slowly getting back to normal and we are looking forward to Christmas. My two brothers who live just a few hours away in Southern Missouri will be here. Jake, Maria, Ben & Jonna will spend Christmas Eve with Maria's family then come here on Christmas morning. It will be so much fun having little ones in the house on Christmas morning. Ben can hardly wait for Christmas to get here.
Well that was a long one and really barely skimmed the surface of our last six months. I'll try to fill in the stories here & there in the future.
I feel so blessed and grateful that I was able to be here with my Day for the last little bit of his time on earth. I miss him terribly and have learned a little about the grieving process. Thank you all for your support, care and love!
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3 years ago
I'm not sure how I missed this post, but even now it was nice to hear a recap :) Im sure grandpa Joe was very happy that his last few months on this earth he was able to be surrounded by loved ones.